6th ICGDA Conference on Geoinformatics and Data Analysis, was held as at hybrid format and the onsite meeting room is at Faculté de Saint Jérôme, Aix Marseille Université. Special thanks go to the keynote speakers, who accepted to contribute to the Conference by sharing their expertise: Prof. Robert Laurini, INSA Lyon, University of Lyon, France; Prof. Jean Sequeira, CEO of the 2IK Company, Aix-Marseille University, France. We want to express our sincere gratitude to the Conference Committee members, whose work in encouraging participation made the Conference possible and to all the authors who submitted their papers.






Best Presentations

Session 1: Software and Information System Development I
AP2002: A Case Study to Increase Quality of Industrial Edge Software Product’s Dynamic Data Testing
Zehra Ateş, Siemens Turkey Company, Turkey

Session 2: Software and Information System Development II
AP0005: Monitoring of Statistical Data on GHG Emissions using GIS: A Review
Gustė Metrikaitytė, Vilnius Gediminas technical university Department of Geodesy and Cadaster, Lithuania

Session 3: Service and Application Software Design and Testing
AP2005: A Benchmark for Design Pattern Recovery Tools
Mohammed Ghazi Al-Obeidallah, AL Ain University, United Arab Emirates