
This schedule is subject to change, and will be finalized in the days leading up to the conference.

Friday, April 4, 2025
10:00 am-17:00 pm Pre-conference Registration, Materials Collection & Information Booth
Saturday, April 5, 2025
8:30am-12:00pm Walk-in Registration, Materials Collection & Information Booth
 9:00am-9:10am Conference Chair's Welcome
9:10am-9:50am Keynote Speech I
9:50am-10:30am Keynote Speech II
10:30am-10:50am Group photo taking & Coffee Break
10:50am-11:30am Keynote Speech III
11:30am-12:10pm Keynote Speech IV
12:10pm-13:30pm Lunch
13:30pm-15:30pm Concurrent Session I-Onsite
13:30pm-15:30pm Concurrent Session II-Onsite
15:30pm-15:50pm Coffee Break
15:50pm-18:30pm Concurrent Session III-Onsite
15:50pm-18:30pm Concurrent Session IV-Onsite
18:30pm-20:00pm Closing Dinner
Sunday, April 6, 2025
10:00am-12:00pm Concurrent Session V-Online
10:00am-12:00pm Concurrent Session VI-Online