Keynote Speakers

Prof. Jean Sequeira
CEO of the 2IK Company (2IK: Image, Information & Knowledge)
Full Professor at the Computer Science Department of the Aix-Marseille University, France

Prof. Jean Sequeira has been the CEO of 2IK (Image, Information & Knowledge) company since 2017 and an “Invited Professor” since 2008 at the IRSA (Institute for Remote Sensing Applications – institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences). Formerly, he had been a research project leader at the IBM France company (1981-1991) and a Full Professor at the Aix-Marseille Université from 1991 to 2021 (Exceptional Class Professor since 2010). He used to work in foreign countries (two years in Ivory Coast and six months in United States) or in collaboration with various countries as China, Algeria, Peru, India, Burkina Faso, Canada. He also developed research partnerships with several industrial companies. In 2006, he participated to the creation of an international organization, ISDE (International Society for Digital Earth) and he had been a member of its Executive Committee for ten years (2006-2016). He is the author of about 135 papers and he supervised about 30 PhD students.
During the last 45 years, Prof. Jean Sequeira has been developing research and projects (with institutes and industrials) in the field of “Image and Computer Science”, i.e. “Image Analysis”, “Geometrical Modeling”, “Visualization and Immersive Interaction”,  “Pattern Recognition”, “Artificial Intelligence”, for applications dedicated to “Medical Imaging”, “Remote Sensing”, “Forensics”, “Industrial Computer Vision”, “Video Watching” and “Sport Supervision”. Since he retired from his position of Professor at the University in 2021, Jean Sequeira has been developing a Research and Development activity on behalf of the 2IK company, through several partnerships with industrials and academics.
For more information see


Dr. Dominik Slezak
President & Founder at QED Software, Poland
Full Professor at Institute of Informatics, University of Warsaw, Poland

Dominik received Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2002 from University of Warsaw in Poland. In his early academic career, he worked at Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology. In 2003-2006, he worked as Assistant Professor at University of Regina in Canada. He cooperated also with McMaster University and York University. In 2008, he re-joined University of Warsaw where he now holds position of Full Professor at Institute of Informatics. He is co-author of over 200 papers in the fields of Data Mining, Databases, Intelligent Systems and Rough Sets. He delivered plenary talks at over 20 conferences. In 2020, he was awarded with scientific title of Professor by President of the Republic of Poland.

Dominik is continually engaged in both academic and commercial R&D projects. In 1999, he co-founded QED Software - Polish company at which he leads development of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions. In 2005, he co-founded Infobright - international company at which he co-designed Analytical Database Technology based on Rough Sets and Information Granulation. In 2021, he co-founded OnstageAI - US-based company which uses Sound Processing and Uncertainty Modeling to automize Concert Video Production. He cooperates or cooperated also with several other companies including Arahub, DeepSeas, OvuFriend and Toolbox for HR. He is the co-inventor in over 20 US patents and patent applications.

Dominik actively contributes to the growth of academic community. He chaired over 20 scientific conferences in Asia, Europe and both Americas. He regularly co-organizes sessions and - using KnowledgePit platform which he co-created - Data Science Contests at IEEE Big Data and FedCSIS conferences. He is Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member for scientific journals including Information Sciences and Intelligent Information Systems. He is Vice-President of Polish Artificial Intelligence Society. He was President of International Rough Set Society and Vice-President of IEEE CS Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics. He was one of Founding Editors of Communications in Computer and Information Science.